Hi, this is JadenTheThird (the person that was blocked for a few days), and I was to say I'm sorry. I didn't know what I was doing! (Maybe I should draw either Sheldon, or Penny-)
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The Big Bang Theory Discussion
What do I have here? A complete series of TBBT?!?! HELL YEAH I DO!
It's Amy's birthday today! She would be 45 today!
63 Votes in Poll
I started watching it on S8 and remember getting the DVD, then backtracking to rewatch S7 and spamming my local DVD store until S9 came out.
The Iphones, society and trends have not come very far, despite it being that long ago.
I kind of think Raj or Bernadette
Sheldon and Amy are my favorite characters. They were like friends or family to me
Who thinks such a sitcom should exist as an Everybody Hates Chris parody?
What do you guys think of the, Shenny Fanfic? I think Amy was a rather transparent copy of Sheldon. I think Penny would be a better influence on Sheldon and vice versa. Despite their differences, Sheldon and Penny are very close, and are quick to help each other. They have taken care of each other on multiple occasions; oftentimes doing things they really don't want to do to make the other feel better.
Major examples of their personal care include when Penny takes care of Sheldon when he is sick, and when she lets him stay at her apartment when he gets locked out, even letting him sleep in her own bed. Sheldon was also quick to come to Penny's aid when she called for help after falling in the shower and dislocating her shoulder, going so far as to drive her to the hospital, despite not knowing how to drive.
Many of these occurrences end with Penny singing Soft Kitty to Sheldon to make him feel better or when he is sick; Sheldon sang it to her on one occasion as well. One of the biggest examples of their friendship is that despite his own rule of avoiding physical contact with people, Penny was the first person Sheldon hugged on the show.
Feel free to tell me what you guys think.
Please check out the percentages on the image, before responding.
Would anyone else agree that in Season 4 several character traits ascribed to Bernadette in Season 3 are given over to Amy. As such, Bernadette becomes less awkward and more socially adept than the guys from Season 4 onwards.
The main one I notice is that Bernadette often makes awkward and/or out of pocket comments during group conversations in Season 3, something which Amy does in her place from Season 4.
76 Votes in Poll
I just noticed watching The Big Bang Theory, S7-E4 The Raiders Minimization, when Raj got his first hit on his dating profile it was from Jenny309 which i think is a reference to the 80's song Jenny/8675309!
Amy was born on December 1979 and Sheldon was born on February 1980. Amy is 2 months older than Sheldon
I admit I used to imagine I was related to the main characters. I imagined Leonard and Penny as my parents, Sheldon, Howard and Raj as my paternal uncles, and Amy and Bernadette as my paternal aunts by marriage
I also used to imagine myself working for Sheldon and Amy
I just finished the last episode of the Big Bang Theory. It has definitely been one of my favorite sitcoms, (I suspect I may have enjoyed it more than most because I have a degree in Physics....). The show was great and had a great ending. However, at the risk of screwing up a show's great ending, I would love to see a new series based on this one. The show I would suggest would be a bit more wild than the original, despite having all the same characters.
In this new show, Sheldon and Leonard would make yet another breatk through, with the help of the others. This new break-through would be faster than light travel and communicaton, (using very common and cheap materials). As the military again threatens to take their discovery and exclude them, this time they realize that they could actually just build their own cheap, low-end ship and live out their Star Trek / Star Wars fantasies exploring the universe and making new and amazing discoveries. As, the ship's navigation and operation require extremely complex calculations to run, Shedlon is the only one capable of actually running the ship, thus once more making him the central controlling figure in his group of friends. As everyone now has familiies, Stuart is taken with and giving the rank of "Ship's Nanny". Perhaps Kripke could even sneak on board as a semi-villainous character (similar to Dr. Smith from Lost in Space).