Pentadust·12/16/2024in Questions and Answerswho was the best at being a parent?mary cooperbeverly hofstadterdebbie wolowitzv.m koothrappaliwyattmike rostenkowskiVote28 Votes in PollBeverly HofstadterDebbie WolowitzMary CooperWyatt
TheBandit025·3/13/2022in GeneralShe was on Frasier I just got done watching this episode Beverly Hofstadter
Bradley Perman·12/11/2020in Questions and AnswersAnyone else think that S12 E22 is so sad?YesYesVote74 Votes in PollThe Big Bang TheoryLeonard HofstadterBeverly Hofstadter
Bradley Perman·12/11/2020in GeneralAnyone else think that S12 E22 was so sad?YesNoVote55 Votes in PollThe Big Bang TheoryLeonard HofstadterBeverly Hofstadter
Pinkfluffyunicorns2004·8/25/2020in GeneralLeast favourite parentsMary and George-sheldon’sBeverly and Alfred-Leonard’sWyatt and Susan- penny’s Larry and Mrs Fowler- Amy’sSam and Debbie- Howard’s V.M.Koothrappali and Mrs.Koothrappail-Rajesh’sVote64 Votes in PollRajesh KoothrappaliBernadette Rostenkowski-WolowitzSheldon CooperHoward WolowitzAmy Farrah FowlerPennyLeonard HofstadterBeverly HofstadterMary Cooper