Who are these people?
I was watching The Countdown Reflection, then I noticednthem
Who are these people?
I was watching The Countdown Reflection, then I noticednthem
Why does no one like Bernadette?
Reasons please:
21 Votes in Poll
My story is set on December 21, 2019, 4 days after Amy's 40th birthday. In this story I pretend Leonard and Penny are my parents and that Sheldon, Howard and Raj are Leonard's brothers. I also pretend Halley was born in 2003, the same year as me, which also means it's set after Halley's 16th birthday. WARNING: That part has a kind of creepy part near the end
Leonard, Penny and I arrive in Sheldon and Amy's house
Sheldon: Leonard! Penny! Come in!
Me: Uncle Sheldon! Aunt Amy!
I hug Sheldon and Amy
Amy: nice to see you Matias [that's my name]. Come in
Leonard: he really wanted to visit you since 4 days ago for some reason
Sheldon: Amy, Matias and I are gonna play in Matias' bedroom
Penny: but don't play for too long! Uncle Howard, Aunt Bernadette and Halley will arrive in a short time
Me: ok mom!
Sheldon, Amy and I go to my bedroom and Amy and I play a Harry Potter duel videogame in a PS4 and I play without effort on purpose
Sheldon: harder Matias! Beat your Aunt Amy at the game!
Amy beats me at the game
Amy: I won!
Sheldon: How could you lose?! You're better at videogames than your aunt!
Me: I actually let her win on purpose Uncle Sheldon. Because... [I turn to Amy] Aunt Amy wasn't your birthday like 4 days ago?
Amy: yes. You remembered my birthday! HE REMEMBERED MY BIRTHDAY!!!!
Me: happy belated birthday
I give Amy a CD-shaped gift
Amy: it's a CD? I wonder that this [she opens the present]... OH IT'S THE NEW NEIL DIAMOND ALBUM!!!! [She gets up of the bed and walks to Sheldon] OUR NEPHEW REMEMBERED MY BIRTHDAY AND GOT ME A NEIL DIAMOND CD!!! [She turns to me as I get up of the bed] THANK YOU!!!! THANK YOU!!!! THANK YOU!!!!
Amy hugs me very tight and kisses me in the head multiple times
Me: Aunt Amy I can't breathe!
Amy: sorry!
Amy lets go of me and sits in the bed again
Me: are you ok Aunt Amy?
Amy: I'm sorry that I got overexcited. It's just... can you believe you and Halley were the only ones who remembered my birthday besides your uncle?
Me: yeah I think I kinda knew it. When I asked my parents to visit you they didn't seem to remember it was your birthday
Sheldon: she was very sad on her birthday. It brought back sad memories of her childhood when she had no friends
Amy: what upsets me the most is that your mother and your Aunt Bernadette didn't remember since I'm best friends with them and are my co-sisters-in-law. I don't really care your father and your uncles didn't remember
I put my hand on Amy's bare leg
Me: yeah. Aunt Bernadette is sometimes a bitch. She always gets angry over small things
Amy: yeah. She sometimes is rude to me and your mother. But you did remember my birthday! That's so nice! We're going to go to a restaurant the 3 of us!
Me: let's go!
I playfully pat Amy's bare leg
Amy: Matias take your hand off my leg please. You're 16 years old. You're too old to touch much older women's legs
Me: ok I'm sorry
Amy: it's ok. That was my fault for letting you do it until you were 13. Let's go
Me: I think we should ask Halley if she wants to come
Amy: good idea
Sheldon: let's go!
Sheldon, Amy and I leave my bedroom
To be continued...
I'll do the story in 2 parts because I felt it would be very long to post it in one post
If I didn’t have you, life would be blue
I’d be Doctor Who without the TARDIS
A candle without a wick, a Watson without a Crick
I’d be one of my outfits without a dick-ey
I’d be cheese without the mac,
Steve Jobs without the Wozniak
I’d be solving exponential equations that use bases not found on your calculator, making it much harder to crack
I’d be an atom without a bomb, a dot without the com
And I’d probably still live with my mom
(All, echo: And he’d probably still live with his mom)
Ever since I met you, you’ve turned my world around
You’ve supported all my dreams and all my hopes
You’re like Uranium-235 and I’m Uranium-238,
Almost inseparable isotopes
I couldn’t have imagined how good my life would get
From the moment that I met you, Bernadette
If I didn’t have you, life would be dreary
I’d be string theory without any string
I’d be binary code without a one,
A cathode ray tube without an electron gun
I’d be ‘Firefly’, ‘Buffy,’ and ‘Avengers’ without Joss Whedon
I’d speak a lot more Klingon,
Heghlu’meH QaQ jajvam
All: And he’d definitely still live with his mom
Ever since I met you, you’ve turned my world around
You’re my best friend and my lover
We’re like changing electric and magnetic fields;
you can’t have one, without the other
I couldn’t have imagined how good my life would get
From the moment that I met you, Bernadette
All: Oh, we couldn’t have imagined, how good our lives would get
From the moment that we met you, Bernadette
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86 Votes in Poll
133 Votes in Poll
93 Votes in Poll
60 Votes in Poll
64 Votes in Poll
68 Votes in Poll
I don't understand... Pls tell me why...
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I m on season 6th right now... Really excited..
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288 Votes in Poll